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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer

We all have “our lot” in life.  We have our trials and our triumphs, our joys and our sorrows.  Some people seem worse off and others better off, but in reality we all have our fair share of the full suite of experiences and emotions throughout our lives.
There is only one thing that can singlehandedly conquer them all and that is love. 
It has been shown that children raised without love and affection fail to thrive.  Just because we have grown up to become adults doesn’t change that.
Quite a few of my friends have been through difficult times of late, but it was the sad news from one of my closest friends this morning that inspired me to post this message today.  And to that very dear friend I would like to say . . .
Your road may be a little rocky for a while but you are surrounded by many people who love you, and if you need us to, we will carry you through until your path becomes smooth.  We are here if you wish for company and we also understand if you prefer the time and space to be alone with your thoughts and feelings.  Whatever happens, know that you are loved and supported always.
And to everybody reading this message, please give a little love to somebody who needs it today.
Thank you.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

At any moment the fully present mind can shatter time and burst into the now.

This morning I got up early with my husband and cooked him bacon and eggs for breakfast (the least I could do given he was working at 6:30am on a Saturday).  I kissed him goodbye at 5:30 and set about cleaning up in the kitchen.  I was in my own little world, totally absorbed in washing the dishes, and oblivious to the world waking up just outside the kitchen window. Then, all of a sudden I looked up and noticed the forest was aglow in shades of pink and peach, and echoing to the sounds of one of my favourite birds (the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo).
My very wise mother in law (an accomplished philosopher) talks a lot about being in the present moment and the concept of “right time”.  This was a perfect demonstration of these truths.  There was no decision to be made.  The only thing to do in this moment was to drop everything NOW! and go outside to enjoy the glorious sunrise.  And what a treat! (see video below or click the link to view on Youtube)

It’s in moments like these that any troubles, fears or concerns melt away and you’re left with pure enjoyment, happiness and love.  What a gift!
The dishes will eventually get done, but right now my dog is telling me it’s time for her breakfast.  If you’re looking for a good role model to learn how to live in the present moment, you can’t get any better than your dog, or any animal for that matter.
Wishing you a remarkable weekend J
Photo Bicheno Blowhole Tasmania © Renee Chamberlin 2013.

Images are available as prints, canvases, cards and calendars.

For purchase enquiries click here 

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Sunday, 2 June 2013

Today make it a point to choose only loving words as you speak.

What’s the first thing that goes through your mind when you wake up in the morning?  What are the most common words and phrases you use throughout the day?  And the last thing you are thinking as you go to sleep in the evening?  How does that affect your life?
Renowned, inspirational author Louise Hay suggests never use the word “should”.  When we say we “should” do this and then don’t get around to it, we make ourselves wrong.  For most people, when they make themselves wrong they spend a lot of time beating themselves up about it.  So, replacing “should” with “could” is a better option.  If you say “I could do that”, and then for some reason you don’t, you aren’t making yourself wrong.
Another word to pay close attention to is “but”.  For example, “I would love to go out and exercise today but I don’t have time” or “I would love to enjoy my weekend but I can’t afford to do anything fun”.  Remove the word “but” from your vocabulary and see what happens J
One phrase I have been guilty of saying for many years is “I can’t wait” . . .  e.g. “I can’t wait for the weekend” or “I can’t wait to go and get a coffee”.  If you take time to think about what you are literally saying, it isn’t true.  Of course you can wait.  What you really mean to say is “I’m looking forward to the weekend” and “I would really like to enjoy a coffee”.
How do you respond when somebody says to you “hello, how are you going?”  Think about it . . .  The standard response is “good thanks and you?”  Every now and then you might get “fantastic!”, “terrific!” or as my very special friend Marj says “damn fine splendid!”  One thing you notice with this type of response is the person’s energy.  They’re not just “ho hum” they’re happy and energetic.  They’re people you just want to be around because they lift your energy and make you feel good.
This week, try being more aware of what you say.  See how it affects your mood and the people you interact with.
Oh, and have an awesome week!
Photo Sulphur-crested Cockatoo © Renee Chamberlin 2013.
Images are available as prints, canvases, cards and calendars.
For purchase enquiries click here
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