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Monday, 22 July 2013

God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now.

It is a well known fact that I am a worrywart. This is not to say that I am a negative person, quite the contrary I am a very positive person, just with a tendency to worry sometimes. My Doctor (who is so much more than a Doctor) often tells me about the importance of learning to trust. Trust in the universe, trust in other people, trust in myself, trust that everything is exactly as it is supposed to be. It’s a very big, and extremely important life lesson. Especially for a worrywart!
This last week I have been caring for my husband after he had some rather serious eye surgery (a Pterygium removal and graft). It has been the perfect situation to put this trust lesson into practice. Trusting that the surgery would go to plan, trusting that his recovery would be swift and smooth, and trusting that he can handle the enormous pain that is unavoidable when such a sensitive part of the body has been operated on. And test it did.
I found the 4 hour wait while he was in surgery enormously uncomfortable.  I have spent the last week wishing that I had a magic wand to wave his pain away. And I flipped out (just a little bit) when it looked like there might possibly have been an infection starting on the edges of the graft (just for the record, so did he).
So what really did happen this last week? The surgery went beautifully, the specialist is very pleased with his progress, the “infection” turned out to be absolutely nothing to worry about and my brave Hubby has mostly slept off the pain with a bit of help from some drugs, acupuncture and the odd glass of wine.
So what is the moral of the story? Worrying never achieves anything! My very wise Doctor’s words are a universal truth, much the same as this week’s quote.
Everything, really is as it should be.
Wishing you all a positive and worry free week! J
P.S. – if you would like to know more about Pterygiums, and how not to end up with one, some information on prevention can be found here
Photo Simpson Desert © Renee Chamberlin 2013.
Images are available as prints, canvases, cards and calendars.
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Monday, 8 July 2013

True wealth is not measured in money or status or power. It is measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and those we inspire.

Time spent with true friends is like an unlimited treasure chest. It’s always there waiting to be found, opened and enjoyed. And when that moment is over, for the time being, you know the treasure is still there waiting to be opened again another day.
It does not deplete, in fact, the more you draw on it the more it grows. It recharges your batteries, feeds your soul and reminds you that life isn’t only about earning your keep and looking after your home affairs. And knowing you can access it when you need to helps you feel secure and at ease.
This is true wealth. Even the poorest people in the world can be joyful if they are surrounded by people they love. And even if those people are many, many miles away, simply remembering they are there is enough to bring you peace and contentment.
I am privileged to have many true friends, including an extraordinary bunch of people who I’ve known since high school. Though we are all so very different, we each motivate, help and boost each other. Time and distance never diminishes our friendship, and precious moments together are life’s ultimate treasure.
A heartfelt thank you to my special friends for your continuous love and inspiration, you have left a real, lasting impression! Thanks to you all, I am starting my week renewed, deeply happy and feeling very rich indeed.
Wishing you all a wealthy week ahead! J
Photo Colonne de Juillet Paris © Renee Chamberlin 2013.
Images are available as prints, canvases, cards and calendars.
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