Hands up if you feel like you need a weekend to recover from
your weekend?
All too often these days pack way too much into each and
every day, forgetting to slow down in every moment or even having a “chill out”
day every once in a while. So if you’re reading this on Monday wondering how
you’re going to get through another hectic week, this post is for you!
It’s a comment I hear all too often from friends, family, neighbours,
colleagues, acquaintances . . .
“Life is just so busy these days, I never seem to have
enough time to do the things I want
to do!” and yet, if you look at how you spend your time, I guarantee you it’s
not all 100% necessary (i.e. vital to your ongoing survival and wellbeing).
As a Gemini, I am totally guilty, often falling into the
trap of checking emails and Facebook too many times in one day or taking
multi-tasking to a whole new (and very unhealthy) level when productivity
plummets. Sometimes at work I get so
busy that I catch myself breathing shallowly or even holding my breath. This is not a good sign! It’s an extreme case
of being “disembodied” or so busy in the head that your body is forgotten; and
it’s harmful to your health and wellbeing.
The good news is it’s a situation that’s easily improved. You are in control of your life and
recognising that the speed of your life is exponentially increasing is the
first step toward slowing it all down to a more comfortable, and sensible pace. The second step is making a pact with yourself
to do something about it. After that it’s
actually quite easy. If you’re not sure where to start there are some
suggestions below.
When was the last time you spent a day doing absolutely
nothing? And I mean nothing? Phone and computer
turned off, no chores or social engagements, no plans. Just doing what you feel
like doing when you feel like doing it? Can
you even remember? I know I’m well overdue
for a day like this, so am booking it in the calendar for next Sunday J
Hope you have a magnificent week and remember to slow down,
just a little.
Some further information/tools to assist you:
Photo: Remember
to breathe http://bit.ly/1e6gxfs
-> Print this and put it where you will see it
or make it your wallpaper.
12 ways to
simplify your life . . . http://on.fb.me/18GOjAM
-> Some excellent advice from the very wise Dr
Wayne Dyer.
What highly
successful employees and entrepreneurs do to create more time for their lives. http://bit.ly/1e6hB2N
-> Some more excellent advice from the
life coach of life coaches Cheryl Richardson.
The Chopra
Centre free online guided meditations http://bit.ly/16d1fj7
-> If you haven’t tried meditating this is one
way to start, it really helps you to slow down!
Photo Pacific
Black Duck © Renee Chamberlin 2013.
are available as prints, canvases, cards and calendars.
purchase enquiries click here