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Friday, 18 July 2014

War hurts. It hurts no matter which side the bombs are falling on.

This morning I turned on the morning news while having breakfast. Before long I was totally engrossed in the unfolding horror overseas; two separate tragedies in two different areas of conflict far away from the safety of my living room. This comes on top of a third escalating situation in another part of the world which dominated yesterday’s news.
While hanging on every word, I could feel my energy being drained. So many gruesome details were being recounted in language chosen specifically to dramatise a situation which really needed no embellishment. Before long, I realised that 2 hours of my day had disappeared into a deep, black hole never to be recovered. And I was feeling pretty low.
It’s hard not to get caught up in all the hype. It’s even harder not to be deeply affected by knowing that such atrocious things are going on in our world. But on the other hand it’s also extremely important not to lose yourself in grief, anger, negativity or despair. That only makes things worse, much worse.
I’m not suggesting that we should all pretend to live in a fairy world filled with unicorns and rainbows, where bad things never happen. But enough is enough!
So please, help spread some kindness, positivity and joy today. If you have anything uplifting to say, say it loud and proud! Share a joke, funny story, cute photo or a bit of good news. Help balance all that bad news today with a little bit of good.
Thank you J
P.S. If you’re looking for a bit of good news click here
Photo World War 1 Trench, Ypres, Belgium © Renee Chamberlin all rights reserved.
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