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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Be good to yourself. If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?

Keeping a blog is a bit of a luxury. It takes time, energy and brain space to write something worthy of posting for the world (or even just your family and friends) to see. And, it has been quite a while since I have had the energy and brain space to write a blog post.  
Back in March, I was struck down by a mystery virus. More than a month of obligatory rest and healthy eating had me back at work. I launched in head first, at break-neck speed, working long hours and catching up on everything that had accumulated during my convalescence.
Hand’s up if you can see where this is going?
You’re absolutely correct.
It appears this was by no means the correct strategy as I have been struck again by the virus. It went dormant (or latent in medical terms) for a while and then resurfaced recently to take advantage of my body one more time.
Point taken.
So what’s the moral of the story?
In this day and age, a good and proper rest is really hard to achieve. When we have a variety of smart phones, tablets, TV’s, laptops and other electronic distractions lying around, it takes good discipline, and a firm decision to take exceptionally good care of oneself, to get genuine rest.  And this, by the way, is all the Doctor could offer me to deal with the situation.
Also, our brains often override the signals our bodies send us because there are so many things we just have to get done. So if we’re working on an important deadline, and we start to feel tired or the brain goes a bit fuzzy, we persevere at our detriment.
Second time around, I have learned my lesson. I have been listening to my body, spending much more time in bed and have also sought second and third opinions from other health care professionals who were able to give advice on additional steps I could take to kick this bug once and for all.
So, this week I am due back at work and I fully intend to approach it from a different, and more sensible, angle.
Wish me luck!
If you have any great advice on taking good care of yourself, please post it here. Thanks J

Photo Rainbow Lorikeets © Renee Chamberlin 2013.
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