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Friday, 27 June 2014

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

When you first looked at this photo, did you see a dead animal on the side of the road? Or did you see a beautiful blue sky with a couple of wispy clouds, the gorgeous colours of Queensland’s outback and trees growing out of dry, red earth?
There’s no right or wrong answer, it’s just an observation of how your mind works. You see, your mind is a powerful thing. It helps create your world and determines how you experience every facet of your life.
At times when everything’s good in your life, it’s easy to think positively, to see all the beauty and good around you, and to be grateful. Like attracts like, so the result is you experience more of the types of things that help keep your thoughts in a positive light. The more good experiences you have the more happy thoughts and so it goes . . .
Of course, there will always be times when not so wonderful things are going on in your life and these times are where the real test is. It can be extremely difficult to stay upbeat and we often get dragged down into whinging, beating ourselves up or thinking everything is hopeless. The result? Well you’re going to spiral quickly into an even worse place. Like a tornado sucking in all the dust and debris from a landscape, before you know it you have more to complain about, and so it goes . . .
The thing is, there is always, always something you can be grateful for, even if it’s just waking up in a bed under a doonah and not on a park bench. You can be upset about having to work on a Saturday or pleased that you actually have a job. You can be disappointed that your partner burnt dinner or delighted that they saved you from having to cook tonight. You get the gist of it.
So, are you a cup half full or a cup half empty person?
I recently heard someone say “If your cup is half full it means there’s room to pour more wine in”. Now that’s thinking positive!!!

Happy Friday J
P.S. Just as I finished writing this blog post, a fantastic 15 minute TED talk appeared on my Face Book feed which perfectly demonstrates the power of the mind and positive thinking. Talk about timing! You can watch it here
Photo Outback Queensland © Renee Chamberlin all rights reserved.
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