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Sunday, 18 January 2015

I live in the paradise of my own creation. (Why taking care of yourself is not optional!)

Last week marked one year since I went to my first Yoga class. This was not a rash decision, I had been wanting to start a yoga practice for many years, but had always used the excuses of not having enough time or money to go to a regular class. I had even bought an instructional DVD (you can't go wrong for $10 right?) vowing to use it at least weekly but the reality was it was dusted off and popped in the DVD player only very occasionally.

Digging for the real reason could prove painful. The truth was that, even though I had spent a whole year studying Cheryl Richardson's "The Art of Extreme Self Care", I just didn't place enough importance on taking care of my own needs. What can I say? For someone with a university degree, I can be a slow learner.

Enter a mystery virus in early 2013. Initially, it struck me down for six weeks. During extended time spent in bed, the work was still pouring in and stockpiling on my sleeping laptop. On returning to work, it  hit me like a tsunami; six weeks backlog with the added pressure of a manager needing it caught up with ASAP. No prizes for guessing what happened next: virus resurfaces, more time off work and a toxic cycle begins . . .

So for the first time in my life, I actually did the right thing. No, not working harder to get on top of it all. At the end of that year, I walked away from that which didn't serve me (read the full story here). Yes it was scary, terrifying in fact, but it was the smart choice. Who knows where I’d be if I had taken the other path at that proverbial fork in the road?

Around the same time I also started a regular yoga practice, and quickly realised there was a good reason I had felt drawn to do this for such a long time. It’s thoroughly enjoyable and produces monumental benefits of mind, body and spirit. There has not been a single class to date that I didn’t gain something from. I have more energy, feel more peaceful, and am stronger and more flexible. The best part? I proved that I actually do have the time and the money, and more importantly that I’m absolutely worth it!

Oh and there’s also the bit where my family and friends tell me how good I look, that’s pretty awesome too!
So what do you do to create your paradise? I would love to hear your thoughts, please leave a comment  J  (select “Anonymous or “Name/URL” if you don’t have a google account)

P.S. If you are interested in Cheryl Richardson’s The Art of Extreme Self Care click here.

       The web page for my fabulous yoga teacher in Brisbane can be found here.

Please leave your comments& feedback: select "Anonymous" or "Name/URL" if you don't have a google account.
Main Range National Park, Queensland. © Renee Chamberlin all rights reserved.
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