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Wednesday, 16 June 2021

One Morning ...

Each morning I walk in the forest, propelled by the needs of a certain dog, and knowing that it is good for this one also.

Usually, I am completely surrounded and consumed by a myriad of thoughts; busy looking at the ground to carefully place each step lest I trip and fall on the rocky substrate. Unawares of what magic surrounds me.

This morning was different. This morning was so exquisitely beautiful that it literally stopped me in my tracks.

And I became aware that a masterful performance was taking place all around me.

And I knew that this performance was just for me.

For my canine companion was busy doing her thing. And the birds and wildlife were a part of the show – the actors, dancers, singers and extras. The trees, plants, earth, spider webs, fog, and dew forming the stage set, a living backdrop.

And I was the only other one in the forest, blessed beyond words, gazing in awe and wonder.

Reminded that each morning on entering the the forest, I can walk drowning in my own thoughts.

Or, move in silence, lift my gaze, and simply enjoy the show.


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One Morning. © Renee Chamberlin all rights reserved.



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