We are energy. Life is a streaming. In the natural flow we give and receive, we ebb and we flow.
In nature, everything seeks balance. Many of us however have moved far away from the natural order of things. Not only have we removed ourselves to some degree from participating in nature, but we have imposed society’s rules and expectations on ourselves, often unconsciously.
Take just a minute to recall this week, how much time, energy and care have you devoted to others: your work, your family, friends, even strangers - and how much have you given your beautiful and worthy self?
For many of us, our focus is more outward than inward. Nothing to be guilty about, this is how society raises and trains us. It in many cases is the cultural ‘norm’ ... glorifying busyness and wearing self deprivation as a badge of honour is encouraged, even celebrated.
I also dedicate much time, care, and energy to supporting others.And, I take small steps to balance the score by deliberately identifying and participating in simple ways to care for me.
This morning, I opened the blinds to observe the sunrise and welcomed a delicious yin yoga practice in front of the toasty warm fire, finishing with a short meditation.
I hugged myself and then I hugged my dog J
It can be as quick and as simple as saying one kind thing to yourself, and meaning it. Enjoying your coffee without your phone. Stopping to take three conscious breaths.
You could make all list of all the
things you love, that really make you smile and feel good, then use your
list for inspiration when opportunity arises.
I love the ‘pay it
forward’ movement, but it’s time to start also paying it backward! Recognising your
innate goodness and rewarding yourself for all that you do for and give to
others and the world.
If you’ve read this far and this post has either a) pushed some buttons, or b) piqued your interest ... I highly recommend this book: The Art of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson.
So what is one, small step you can take for yourself today to start evening up the score and moving towards balance?
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